+ We now have 375 books cataloged and ready to check out of our church library. To check out a book: 1. take the card out of the pocket in the back of the book. 2. write your name on it. 3. put the card into the little basket. When you bring back the book (when you are done reading it, or when you no longer wish to finish reading it), put it into the big black wicker basket on the top shelf next to the table the littlest kids use. There are no due dates, so keep the book as long as you need to. If you keep it too long, though, there is the danger of misplacing it, so you shouldn't keep it for more than a year.
+ Catechism and church school is suspended through the Sunday after Pentecost (June 3rd). There will be short lessons on church etiquette (the customary code of behavior in society) after each morning Liturgy by Fr. Matthew or one of the deacons.